MER Clinic: Converting Corgi Trolley Cars to O Scale Operation

Presented by John Gallagher @ MER Princeton 2010

Corgi, a British toy manufacturer, produces two O scale trolley cars that interest U.S. modelers, the single truck Birney Car [1:48] and the P.C.C. Car [1:50]. Many prototype traction companies operated fleets of these cars and Corgi provides both in many prototype paint schemes. PCC cars still operate in San Francisco, Boston, and Philadelphia. Converting Corgi trolleys to O scale operation challenges the modeler. This clinic shows techniques for careful disassembly of each trolley and modifications necessary for installing power trucks, trolley poles for overhead power, wiring strategies, headlight and interior lighting, detailing with passengers and motorman, and optional installation of DCC decoders. Attendees will receive a handout summarizing the steps plus sources for parts and trucks and informative Internet sites.

Category: Rolling stock; Scale: O

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